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Delve Deeper with Divi

12 Days of Divi is some festive fun to help you explore features of Divi that you may never have found before. It'll speed up your website creation, your tweaks and give you some insights into things you can do that you may not have discovered yet.  Sign up for 12 Days of Divi with lifetime access to the content, and a group Q&A with me in January. 

32 Modules


Welcome to the 12 Days of Divi - a bit of festive fun to get your website fired up for the New Year.

A quick overview of Divi

In case you haven't tinkered with your site for a while, here's a quick overview to get you back up and running fast. 

Making your pages mobile friendly

Up to 50% of your website traffic may be from a mobile device, so it's crucial that your pages display correctly across all devices. Let's have a look at how you can optimise your pages so they look great everywhere. 

Recovering lost pages or work

It’s quite hard on WordPress to actually lose work and never be able to get it back. Let’s have a look at where it may have disappeared to. 

Speeding up your workflow through preset defaults

Let’s explore this untapped feature which you may not have even noticed at your fingertips

Customising your bullet points

This is one of the most common questions I’m asked and I can’t wait to show you how easy it is

Creating pop ups on your site

Pop-ups are a great way to encourage people to take action on your website and there are ways to ensure that they don't become annoying. 

How to equalise elements to give you better balance on the page

Equalising certain elements on your page can be a real bugbear. We’re going to look at a few common mistakes and some small hacks to make this easier for you.

Customising your error 404 pages

When someone mistypes a URL or you move a page without redirecting it, visitors to your site will land on an error page.

Change the stacking order on mobile

Divi makes it straightforward for us to build pages for mobile, but it doesn’t always get the stacking order right so you sometimes end up with images below text when it should be above, and vice versa

Adding global elements

When you make a change to one element on your site, it may be that you then need to change it on other pages too. A change of phone number is a relevant example. Using global elements means you can change it once and it changes everywhere. 

Importing and exploring layouts and elements

Important and exporting layouts can save you hours of time. Divi’s portability options make this really straightforward for you to do. 

Extending styles to different modules

Discovering this feature when it was first released was such a revelation and I use it a lot. 

I’m conscious that a lot of people don’t realise it exists so I wanted to share it with you here as it speeds things up hugely when you’re building pages and when you change your mind about a colour or style that you want to use.

Using gradients and patterns

Gradients and patterns can make an impact on your page, and also make your images far more versatile and easier to use. Divi has some great features to implement on your pages which we're going to explore today. 

Creating a footer with a dynamic date

Changing and updating the date in your footer each year can become tiresome. Here's a footer with a date that automatically updates each year. 

Adding a button to your main navigation

By adding a button to the main navigation menu, you can make your site’s call to action stand out and drive more traffic to your most important pages. It’s also an easy way to make sure that your call to action is consistent across all pages.

Animated Section Dividers

Adding some subtle movement to the page gets rid of that blocky effect that we sometimes see on a page. It creates more visual interest and makes the content more dynamic and attention-grabbing.

Aligning items vertically

Having elements that don’t balance on your page can be such a bugbear, and adding extra margin and padding creates chaos on your mobile view. 

Make content automatically appear and disappear on certain dates

This is such a big deal - magically make content appear and disappear from your page without you even being there. 

Creating gorgeous testimonials

Testimonials are soooo important as social proof on your site, but it’s sometimes hard to make them look good.

Bouncing icon

Adding animation to an element grabs the attention of the user and directs them towards their next logical step.

Fun-shaped images

Your images might start off with square edges, but they don’t need to stay that way. 

Adjusting spacing around list items

Lists are a real sticking point for me with Divi. We want to use them more, but the spacing is all wrong on them. 

Animated underlines

This is a nifty little trick to add some interest to the links that you’re wanting people to click on. 

Aligning buttons side by side, even on mobile

Buttons are so important in our layouts, and sometimes we want to sit them next to each other, both on desktop and mobile. 

Style the success message on your Divi form

If you’ve ever used a form on Divi, I’m sure you will have discovered how bland the success message is. Let’s fix that. 

Use ChatGPT straight from Divi

Divi has an AI option, but in this tutorial, I’ll show you a little workaround where you can sprinkle some ChatGPT magic into your pages for a fraction of the price. 

Bonus: Link In Bio Page Templates

Your link in bio page is the page that you send people to when they’re on a social platform such as Instagram, and you can only include one link

Bonus: Testimonial templates

Testimonials are a critical element of social proof for you to include on your page. A really common question is how to style them so they look good. So I created some elements for you to pull directly into your website. 

Extra Bonus: Dynamic linking

This is just a tiny bonus video to make you aware of Divi's dynamic linking options if you're not using them yet, and to let you know that they could save you a lot of time (and hassle) in the longrun.

Replay from a Q&A session

Here is the replay from a Q&A session that I ran live. Sometimes it's useful to hear other people's questions.

Other ways we can work together

If you're craving more website wizardry, have a look at ways we could work together to supercharge your online presence and grow your business. 

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